Recovery College

Recovery Academy of Ireland in Collaboration with North West Inner City Network

(Recovery College)- Mission Statement

The purpose of the Recovery College is to develop a quality learning programme, in collaboration with those who live, and work in, the fields of addiction and mental health. The ‘recovery education’ on offer, is underpinned by recovery values and is co-produced and co-delivered by professionals and by people and communities who are most affected by these issues.  Through its celebration of the ‘culture of recovery’, and its adoption of a rights based ethical approach, the curriculum promotes personal, social, community and cultural transformation.

Dear Friends,

We would like to invite you to become involved in the establishment of a Pop up Recovery College in the North West inner city.  As part of this process we are holding a series of lunch time workshops for anyone who has an interest in the fields of addiction and or mental health. The initial workshop will be held on Thursday 30th May at 1.00pm in the NWICN office at 117-118 North King Street, Dublin 7.

We invite you to come along so that you can actively participate in the setting up of the pop up college itself and ultimately in the co-production of the courses that will be on offer into the future.

This is a marvellous opportunity to become part of the change that you want to see in yourself and your community.

Kindest Regards

Dr Patricia Doyle – Recovery Academy of Ireland

Grainne Foy – Social Inclusion Co-Ordinator NWICN